Reluctant voters, less than sparkly candidates, and the Kingdom of God


Let’s have a bit of a sit down. Is that all right with you?

These are wild times, wouldn’t you agree? We’ve got a nation of reluctant voters trying to decide between two candidates that aren’t so sparkly. On the daily I read article titles and status updates that smack of the-sky-is-falling.

It’s enough to get my anxious little heart all fluttery with worry over tomorrow, the next four years, the next thirty years.



Jesus definitely has something to say about worrying about the future, right? Don’t worry about tomorrow…today’s got enough trouble of its own. 

Friends, can we leave off staking our lives on this election? It’s not good for us. It’s junk food for the soul. It’s a distraction from what we’re to be about.

Should we be informed? Heck yes! Obsessed? NO WAY! And it’s getting far too easy to be fixated on what he/she said or what emails were released or how he said this or that horrible thing.

And can we pretty please stop breaking relationships over it? I’m tired of reading status updates which invite people who disagree to “unfriend” them. The other day I read a status that read, “I will never, ever be friends with anyone who votes for Hillary”.

And that was from a Christian woman.

Have we completely forgotten who we are?

Before we bear the title of American, we have so many other names.

Beloved of God. Child of the Most High. Follower of Christ. Dearly adored. Image bearer.

And before our citizenship was in this nation (or any other if you’re visiting this blog from outside the U.S. … by the way, HI!) we have a home first in the Kingdom of God.

Ahead of president or governor or mayor or senator, we are under the reign of The Creator. He is our King, our Lord, our Savior.

Our only savior.

Sunday morning as I drove to church in the wee, pre-sunrise for worship band practice I felt cynicism creeping its way into my heart. I shook my head and prayed that it would go away. It’s not natural for me, cynicism isn’t. It aches, drags me down, makes me despair.

“I don’t want that for my heart,” I prayed.

I went inside the church building, rehearsed for the morning services and caught my breath. Sometimes it’s just nice to refocus the heart.

But then during the service, I caught the words of a few of the songs.

One name is higher, One name is stronger than any than any grave, than any throne, Christ exalted over all…

Jesus, You have rescued us…”

“The only king who reigns forever, who is like our God?”

And then this stanza from a hymn I have dearly loved since I was a little girl:

“This is my Father’s world, oh let me ne’er forget that though the wrong seems oft so strong God is the Ruler yet.”

Peace. Comfort. Relief.

We are God’s dearly loved. His glory is found in red-orange-yellow leafed trees and in the smiling face of someone we love. He is mighty to save, to transform, to forgive. His mercy is new every single day. He has but to speak and His creative work is made. He breathes life into us and comforts us in our suffering.

He knows who will win this election. He knows what will happen in reaction to it. And, know this, He is making all things work together for our good and for His glory. 

Don’t worry about tomorrow. He holds the moon and stars and our hearts in His hand.

They’re gentle, His hands, and full of healing for His kids.

We are His.

And we are loved so much that our hearts could burst.

Let’s love each other.

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12 Comments on “Reluctant voters, less than sparkly candidates, and the Kingdom of God

  1. Love this. So. Much. I have refrained from “unfollowing” those friends of mine who are rampantly posting all kinds of stuff. I still love my friends.

    You have said oh, so wonderfully, what I hope is in many people’s hearts. It definitely is mine. How sad is it that I want the election over so people will like each other again.

    Thank you for writing and saying it so eloquently!


  2. Amen, Susie. I’ve been terribly disappointed in countless numbers of proclaimed Christians, and their poor conduct in these hard times. I don’t unfriend people, but I have unfollowed numerous friends so that I don’t have to see all of the horrid, so-called “reports” of the bad bahavior of both candidates. I think we’ll all be happy to see this election behind us, and rely on God to keep us afloat in the future.


    • Yup. I think unfollowing people is perfectly acceptable. I would still say “hello” to them in the store or at the coffee shop or at church, but I certainly don’t have to see all that they post online.

      I’ve been disappointed in a few people and how they conduct themselves in regards to this election. It’s disheartening.


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