Mrs. Clumsy Needs to Balance

wpid-wp-1429476491929.jpeg This is me. I’m trying to balance on a log. This, my friends, is a dangerous endeavor.

I am Mrs. Clumsy.

When I was in the hospital, recovering from a c-section, I had a bracelet that said, “Fall Risk”. Yeah. Tell me about it. I asked if I could have a dozen of those bracelets. The nurse laughed. My husband assured her that I was serious.

I fall down a lot.

What I need is to work on my balance.

Let’s just say that I can be clumsy in my life, too. I forget things. I biff on getting the dishes done or putting the laundry in the drier before they stink. I try to fit too much into a day, ending up feeling overwhelmed and unable to accomplish half of what I want to.

I fall down a lot.

I need to work on my balance.

You may have noticed that I skipped writing a blog on Monday. Sorry about that, pals. It just couldn’t get done. When I contemplated staying up super late on Sunday to write one, I realized that it was no big deal. I could exercise a little balance. I could put it off.

Guess what? The world continued spinning. No one got hurt. Monday was still Monday (albeit a windy, wet one). And my writing career didn’t fall into the abyss of failure.

I don’t know what Spring looks like for you. For me it’s a lot like chaos. End of school festivities, speaking engagements, deadlines, my boys turning 7 (I will be okay…it will be all right…I’m not getting old…they’re still my babies…WAHHHHHH). Now is the time for me to carefully consider how I balance.

Honestly, I’m not exactly sure what that means yet. But I’m going to ponder if there are some things that need to go in order for me to maintain balance. Also, which things need to receive more of my attention so I don’t teeter and fall.

This is where you come in. How do you keep balance in your life? Or, if you fall a lot like I do, what might help you?

15 Comments on “Mrs. Clumsy Needs to Balance

  1. I understand exactly what you mean! I have these things left to give up so I have more time for my writing: my job, my children, our friends, or sleep.

    So. Huh. Any helpful thoughts?


  2. Get wii fit, they have an excellent balance program! Check Game Stop, you can probably get it used.


  3. omgosh .. if you figure this out can you please share it with me???? I’m actually learning the word “NO” lately. (as in, NO to my family when they come begging for money usually, or guilt tripping me into something that is not good for me to do, but to ‘save’ them). And it is HARD to balance whether I’m helping or enabling. I fall. A lot.


    • Oh, Beth. I hear ya! No is such a hard word. But you are worth it, I can tell you that. That’s a big deal, I know. We’ll keep each other in the know when we figure out this balance thing!


      • Good! and YAY! I do guilt so well making that no even ickier. I am blessed to have folks who care about me to keep me from going off the deep end. *grin* and books 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I was having exactly that kind of day on Monday; what a great coincidence. This was my to-do list: wash the dishes, shower, write a poem and a blog post, follow-up with my temp agency, do my Bible study lesson and call the chiropractor to try to get an appointment.

    What I ended up doing is after the third item on the list, since I already was feeling overwhelmed, was to start Facebook chatting with my dearest friend. Hahaha. But seriously, it was enormously helpful. She gave me some insight into some things that were bouncing around in my head, and I ended up deciding to chuck part of the list and go do yoga and have lunch with her.

    Afterward, I felt so much better. Like a million percent. And the yoga gave me energy and BETTER BALANCE. If you haven’t tried yoga to improve your physical balance, it’s totally worth it. Tree pose is my favorite thing ever now, and I even wrote a whole poem about how it helps me.


  5. Oh, Susie! You so could have been one of my daughters!!! I’m a faller too, and I’m always off balance in everything I do. It’s just so refreshing reading your version of what my life is like. My daughter with the 4-year-old and “waaa” 1-year-old twins on Friday, is so like us also. Talk about kitchens and dishes. I think she forgot her house had a kitchen. My son-in-law does all the cooking, but no one in the house seems to remember to wash the dishes aside from the ones that make it to the dishwasher. Well, today the babes actually took a nap while my granddaughter was at Goldfish Swim School and Nana cleaned up the kitchen. Whew! It took me every minute of time that those babies slept, but by golly, I did it!

    By the way, this wasn’t supposed to be about me. I LOVED your blog post today!


    • You, Nancee, are an amazing mom and nana! 🙂

      I’m so glad you could relate. That’s what makes this blog worthwhile, all of us commiserating and realizing that we aren’t the only ones!

      Liked by 1 person

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