Day 3: Sugar

Today is the third day of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). You can read a little more about it here.

This morning, I realized the beauty of scheduling a write-your-novel-in-a-month for November. It is ever so “conveniently” right after Halloween. Candy is super cheap after Halloween. Sugar is a great way to kick start your brain…



Sugar isn’t good for the old cranium?

Ah, pooh.

Well, candy is still good.


Daily NaNoWriMo update: 13,132 words. 17 chapters. And all with reasonable amounts of sleep and without an overdose of coffee.

Watch next week for a book give-away (not NaNoWriMo related) and more word count updates!

6 Comments on “Day 3: Sugar

  1. You are a crazy inspiration! Take care of yourself luv (I’m using the word “luv” now, in the british way, I think it suits me).


  2. My fingers hovered over the keys for a moment while deciding whether to type “Sweet, Susie!” or “Sweet Susie.” Either would be appropriate, because I think it’s sweet that you’re doing so well on your novel already, and also because you are definitely a sweet person (with or without said Halloween candy!) Keep it up! (btw – I have 2 poems written – just waiting for the 3rd prompt to arrive in my inbox for today.)


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