Dirty Laundry

The dirty laundry has started to pile up. Again.

Therefore, the drawers and closets are a little empty. Again.

And I’ve had to get pretty creative with what we all wear. Again.

I keep thinking how really easy it is to pour a little detergent and stuff clothes into the washer it is.

And then, again, I forget.

Same for the dishes.

This summer has been a whirlwind. Play dates. Beach. Zoo. Picnics. Time in the kiddy pool. Grand Haven. Kalkaska.

And that’s just family stuff.

Not to mention Susie things (which I’m mentioning right now). Edits on my novel. Launching a teeny-tiny business. Working on novel #2. Working on a collection of short stories (to be released early 2013).  Teaching elementary classes at church. Teaching creative writing every couple of weeks. And on and on.

And, so, other things start piling up.

Including my writing.

It’s no secret. Writers need time and focus to turn out good writing.

And I have had a few shining moments this summer.

But, for the most part, it’s been a dry writing summer.

I’ve struggled.

Written pages and pages.

Deleted most of them.

Hated some of them.

But, here’s the thing. Here’s the thing that reminds me how okay all of this is.

I’m going to have grace. With myself.

I am going to chalk this time up to a dry spell.

And I am going to pray for some moisture. That my fingers will remember how to connect with my brain to write meaning unto a page.

If you pray, then I’d ask you to help me out in that regard.

That I can get some laundry done.

And some dishes.

That I can cook a few really good meals this week.

And that I can write to the Glory of the Father who gives all good gifts.

Even crazy summers.

(And a BIG Happy Birthday to Megan Sayer. As a gift to her, go on over to her blog and give her some love.)

2 Comments on “Dirty Laundry

  1. Haha! Thank you!!!! You’re a sweetie 🙂
    I understand those dry spells – and those dishes-and-washing dry spells too. Keep at it. You’ll write about it one day, that’s the joy of being a writer, I think. Even dry spells are useful in the end.


    • Yes. That’s the hope! And, if nothing else, perhaps someone can be encouraged that even glamorous writers have dirty dishes and laundry piled up. 😉


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